Study 1

Pilot Study Result

  • Study 1
  • Jul 01, 2022

Pilot Study Result of Vaccination Rate (Crude and with Time Duration)

The pilot study recruited 50 participants included 48 women and 2 men aged from 30 to 74 years. The intervention involved providing health education sessions, sharing COVID-19 related health tips, reminders of vaccinations and reservation of vaccinations. The duration of the pilot study was 3 months. The result showed the crude vaccination rate increased from 0% at the baseline to 73.33% (figure 1), which meant the pilot study showed significantly increase in vaccination rate. In order to eliminate the impacts of natural increase vaccination rate for this study, we calculated the weekly vaccination rate of 30-74 years old women in Hong Kong for this study. The result showed the vaccination rate from the pilot study increased faster than the Hong Kong population (figure 2). This indicated that our intervention were efficient to promote participants get new vaccines in a short time.